Saturday 27 April 2024


It's that time of year again and we decided to explore a small wood full of bluebells near where we live. Along the main road is this building and we took a sharp left into a small complex of buildings that surround the mill.

Across the road is this house

with an unusual garden gate - I can't figure out what the animal on the right is, but it's definitely interesting

Then, the Mill House - quite grand

the mill

The river next to the mill

it's a gorgeous building

the wheel

one more view of the mill

the River House

Look at these roots

Looking back I noticed these amazing windows - must be the River House?

Two minutes later we parked the car and started walking - this field leads to the woods

Through the gate

and we're in

almost immediately - the first bluebells

they are gorgeous - as is the smell that is all around us

We come across some fallen trees that block the path - we've had quite a few storms recently

it's such a feast for the eyes

This path leads to the village of Leek Wootton and it's a mile and a half long

They are everywhere 

I love walking through woods - but at this time of year it's really special

Once we got to the village we turned around and walked back to our car. We must do this again soon, as the bluebell season is so short.


  1. Wow. Beautiful indeed. Those last few photos are terrific.
    Where did you go for a walk Eirene? :)

    1. Funny you should say that about the last few photos Liam. I took those as we were coming back and we both said how, because the light had changed, the colours were so much more vivid. You just confirmed that. The location is a small wood in Warwickshire between the villages Leek Wootton and Hill Wootton.
