Saturday 29 March 2014

Another visit to Eleni Vernadaki's shop

During our recent wander around Kolonaki we also visited ADC, Eleni Vernadaki's shop. Ever since I remember, the shop has been there even though I have to admit that when I was young I did not appreciate the power and appeal of her ceramics. The shop is 1/3 of its former size these days. Having reached 82 she does not produce as much work any more so a smaller shop suits her purposes. It's still a great pleasure to look and handle her pieces and I always look forward to the visit. 
A very small space, lots of pots


A jug

A stack of plates and bowls

same pile, different view


a bowl

same form, different combination of colours

an interesting tall, narrow vase


tall vase with rounded base, silver glaze

classic Vernadaki, white with a dash of black


same with the stripes - bowl with sphere inside

an overview


I like the flat forms, and so difficult to make!

Painting in the form of a bowl, to borrow Gordon Baldwin's phrase

a different kind of stripe

interesting shape


various bowls

this is on the floor, so it's quite large, as are most of her works

black and white square platter with two black and white spheres
*   *   *
Unusually, two pieces that are not her own work:

A ceramic roof tile painted by Yannis Tsarouchis

A piece by Yannis Gaitis.


  1. Wow!
    I am also intrigued by what look like ceramic pebbles, or small decorative forms in your overview photo of the shelves. Love that roof tile - and what is the wall-hung piece (black & white, with that strong blue at the left) - tile? I absolutely adore the whole shop: positively life-enhancing.

    1. She's a great artist, Olga, and I hate the thought that she is winding down - I can't envisage a trip to Athens without looking in and feasting my eyes. Some of her pieces are absolutely huge, up to 4 ft high and I can't understand how a 82 year old woman, or anyone for that matter, can create such huge ceramics. She is amazing. I have met her and she's a lovely person too, very interesting and warm.

      She makes small pebbles, small and not so small pomegranates, onions and other small rounded objects and it must be those you're referring to.

      As for the wall-hung piece, I have to admit, to my shame, that I did not notice it - there's so much in the shop. Looking at the photograph though I am wondering if it's one of Gaitis' bowler-hat men, a parade of them - it's the kind of thing he does. There's one here: I will have to have a look next time we go to her shop.

  2. What a wonderful find I had in a charity shop in London two days ago. A dinosaur which obviously was not done by a child but an artist - made me think of Roger Hilton’s colours, and Picasso, of course but with a vitality and grace all of its own. In the underside a difficult to read name in gold marker and a seal which looked like adc - it is!! Seeing the pieces of your entry it is clear this is the work of Eleni Vernadaki. I’m starting to explore further!!

    1. Wow! What a find indeed. I am very envious. I would love to see it, as I have never seen anything like this of hers. It is impossible to find any of her work in the shops these days as all collectors are keeping what they have to themselves. You are so lucky to have found something like this. Please do share with me any finds from your explorations.

    2. Don’t know how to send you picture here. Let me know. I have found a number of webpages with information but probably like you could. The interview here ( is the one I’d like to understand!!!

    3. Found it in her webpage!!!

    4. Clarisa, I don't know how to send pictures either - I was just expressing wishful thinking. I read the interview - quite interesting. Google translate are very good these days, so I am sure most of it would make sense. Interesting that she is 87 during the interview: I met her when she was 80, very charming and warm. Enjoy your piece. Just seen it on her webpage that you sent - isn't it gorgeous? How lovely. Enjoy!

    5. I did google trans. Perfect! Best for the summer. EV is 91 now. Grande dame indeed!!

    6. Lovely. It was quite a good interview, I thought. Yes, a grande dame indeed. Have a great summer and enjoy your ceramic - it really is quite a find.
