Monday 10 June 2024

Casa de Campo - Madrid

Sometimes called the 'lungs of Madrid', Casa de Campo is a 17sqm area of greenery.We did see prettier and more central parks in Madrid but we still wanted to visit.  The Zoo Aquarium is here but we did not go there as I cannot bear to see living beings in captivity. In fact, we did not see that much of this park - there is so much to see in Madrid and you just have to be selective.  We walked along this avenue

lots of people on their pushbikes and runners along here

and then got to this vast lake

there was a game going on involving boats and sticks, but I don't know what it was - I don't know much about these things

it really is a massive lake

and the water fountain is impressive.

We walked along the shore of the lake

lots of fish in the water

fish I have not seen before - I just don't know what they are

We arrived at the side of the lake that is full of bars and restaurants

A lot of these restaurants are quite formal and this is because some specialise in wedding receptions

We sat here and had lunch

Then walked along the other side of the lake

past another cluster of restaurants

past this fountain

we could see the palace in the distance from here

We crossed the main road and decided to walk through the palace gardens so that we could enjoy this wonderful avenue once again.


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