This exhibition was staged at the old observatory and the mobile of rocks and crystalls at the entrance is interesting and fun.
The main, domed observatory room is where the exhibition is housed, and the first thing you see is this huge installaion on the floor of thousands of used microbiological slides. She says she has always been interested in the world of Genetics and its constant revelations, in the cell, in the molecule...
The rest of the exhibition is all around the room and consists of huge panels made of wire where small, mostly identical ceramic pieces are attached. It is difficult to describe the effect, sometimes when looking from a distance they look like abstract paintings, but most of the time, they just look like themselves and I cannot define them...
A close look
An intricate pattern
and a closer look
I love the wavy effect of this one, seen partly from the side
These reminded me of swimming sperm
An overview
Floating sperm again, in a different pattern
Very tightly packed
So many different shapes and patterns she has used...
A lot of wire on this one
Another partial side view
A bit of colour
You must have to have so much patience to produce work of this kind. It is very lovely.