Monday, 17 October 2011

Upton House

Another gorgeous day spent in the gardens of Upton House, autumn this time.

The mirror pool

a hot, sunny day, the water very still, maximum reflection

fantastic autumn colours

so many flowers

the pool by the bog garden

full of big, fat fish.

The stream in the bog garden. The impressionists made us look at nature in a different way - this looks just like a Monet to me

the tiny stone bridge over the stream

I wonder how old this tree is

lots of colour

and more

and more

the twisted trunk and branches of an aster

Who would believe that this picture is taken in mid-October - it looks and feels like the middle of summer

the light is just incredible.

 We've come back full circle to the mirror pool

and we linger

the reflection is so perfect it is almost impossible to see where the water begins

 here you can see the (upside down) people who are standing at the Ha Ha

loads of reeds and water lillies in the pool this time of year - what is real and what is reflection? Difficult to say ...

more colour

on the main lawn now, looking towards the bog garden.

A day that makes you glad to be alive!

1 comment:

  1. You will forever be known forthwith as Monetos Mitsos.
