Thursday 4 July 2013

Louisiana - the Sculpture Park

In my previous post on Louisiana I concentrated on the museum itself,  this one is about the sculptures in the park.

Reclining Figure, Henry Moore, 1969-70

Untitled, Willy Orskov, 1972

Three Piece Reclining Figure (Draped), Henry Moore, 1974-75

Hein Heinsen, 1986

Grande femme Debout a la Draperie, Henri Laurens, 1928

Reclining Figure No. 5 (Seagram), Henry Moore, 1963-64

Queen of Spades, Isamu Noguchi, 1986

The Gate in the Gorge, Richard Serra, 1986

Personnage, Joan Miro, 1970

Slender Ribs, Alexander Calder, 1963

Little Janey-Waney, Alexander Calder, 1964-76

Wish Tree, Yoko Ono, (for Louisiana), 2013

Threshold Sculpture: Reflection, Jean Arp, 1960-82

Threshold Sculpture with Plantlike Crenelations, Jean Arp, 1959-82

Stacked Bowls, Jean Arp, 1947

Venus from Meudon, Jean Arp, 1956

Human Concretion on an Oval Bowl, Jean Arp, 1948

Phases of Nothingness, Nobuo Sekine, 1970

Phases of Nothingness - Cone, Nobuo Sekine, 1977

Annular Eclipse IV, George Rickey, 1999

Hyttefadslabyrinten, Alfio Bonanno, 1998

Construction, Max Bill, 1937

Square Bisected by Curve, Dan Graham, 2008

Graham is interested in establishing frameworks that mix architecture and sculpture. By mixing the two Graham challenges the viewer in a simple but also fundamental way: he wants the viewer to make use of his pavillions as pieces of 'nothingness'. They resemble architecture - they have walls and rooms and yet we end up relating to them as objects or situations. His pivotal point is that no building is neutral, but each building creates reflections and emotional associations.


  1. Hello, I love these photos! Would it be alright if I shared one of them in a blog post I am planning on publishing soon?

  2. Thank you. I am happy for you to share one of the photos as long as you acknowledge my blog post and post a link. Good luck with blogging - it's giving me real pleasure.
