Sunday, 19 July 2015

Book launch


Road Trip, by Tatiana Tzinioli.

My niece Tatiana Tzinioli has just published her second book - a contemporary love story which deals with a lot of issues that are pertinent today, written with compassion and humour.

We attended the publisher's launch event in Athens. The venue: Polyhoros Aition.

The event was extremely well attended

in a café/bar

that combined arty elements

with kitsch - a combination that, surprisingly,  worked really well.


We were able to buy copies of the novel before the presentation

Tatiana Tzinioli spoke first, giving us a background to the novel and then three other writers made  thoughtful contributions

and then we had our copies signed


here, her partner, Michalis, is begging Tatiana to sign a copy.


  1. Congratulations, and good luck to her. It is good to see something positive and 'normal' going on!

    1. Thank you, Olga. That's exactly how we felt - something positive in the midst of all the depressing things going on. The launch was meant to be two weeks ago, but they felt it would be wise to postpone it given the upheaval that was going on around the referendum. It worked out very well, particularly for Ken and me since we were able to attend.
