Sunday, 12 July 2015

Upton House revisited - again

Another visit to Upton House.

We parked the car and started walking along the avenue that leads


to the house.

We walked around the house and reached the big lawn at the back which in turn, leads to the ha ha

Standing at the edge of the ha ha we could see the terraces of flowerbeds and the vegetable garden, and in the distance, the mirror pool

On our left, a change! The swimming pool has been restored. This was the house of a millionaire who lived here in the 1930s, so the swimming pool was an integral part of the house and grounds.

The steps that lead down to the mirror pool

 We walked along the paths leading to the bottom of the small valley and the mirror pool

lots of colour at this time of year


including various types of poppy


Lavender borders this path

while this one is bordered with bushes

we reached an enclosed small garden


looking back at the steps

more poppies.

Artichokes in the vegetable garden

looking closer.

A stunning shade of blue.

The mirror pool looked different this time

the level of the water was very low
but seeing the water lilies was a great pleasure


lots and lots of fish. Are they baby carp? Not sure


Looking up we could see the terraced garden and the ha ha


red poppies

We moved on and reached another pool

which is next to the bog garden

which was a delight. Lots of colour


and lots of small pools

connected with

The hostas in flower


We walked along the various paths

and reached the ornamental  rhubarb

which has reached gigantic proportions.

 Hostas in abundance

and lots of colour

more hostas.

Another small pool

We then retraced our steps to the air raid shelter on the sunken lawn


erected especially to commemorate the Battle of Britain

The path that leads up to the house is steep


The restaurant where we had lunch was busy

and the woodland walk, which leads to the car park, afforded welcome shade.

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