Thursday 3 October 2019

Re-visiting Hydra - the calderimia

Narrow alleyways, or calderimia, define this crescent shaped town.

Stone cobbles on all the streets and alleyways

Some of the alleyways are beautifully kept with pots and plants

Some are so narrow that it's difficult for two people to walk next to each other

Some are dead ends

and bourgainvilea provides some colour in the midst of the white-washed houses

Most houses are built around courtyards

this is the courtyard of our hotel, and the terrace where we had breakfast

and, a courtyard within the courtyard of our hotel

Tavernas and bars take over some of the alleyways

quiet during the day, they get very busy at night

The view from our hotel balcony

and this front yard on the right

A lot of the houses are made out of stone

This is the area around the market, quite busy during the day

A few churches, but nothing as many as in some of the islands

Some quirky houses

and some that are quite grand

And the cats, of course, the maskots of the island, they are everywhere, and they are incredibly well-looked after

Steps everywhere as the town is built around the crescent-shaped bay, on a number of hills

View of one of the hills 

Each front door is different


and some are absolutely wonderful

A few open spaces or squares

We discovered two small parks, (even though there must be more), providing a contrast to the white-washed houses and the narrow alleyways

the smell of lavender was overwhelming as we walked through

old canons everywhere in the town

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