Costas Tsoclis, Painting: Limits and Transgressions, Part 2
at the Theocharakis Foundation, Athens.
Since 1985, Tsoclis has been using video images to include the element of time in his work. The painting image becomes alive with video projections on canvas, giving the sense of paintings in motion.
A few years ago we saw an exhibition titled 'The Moving Image' where his paintings superimposed with video projections were on display. It was a memorable experience. A few of these were part of this, current exhibition.
Artemis - Kali, 1997, (colour video projection on two paintings with acrylics)
As we looked at the painting, Artemis' resting arm moved very slowly and her eyelids opened and closed
Unfortunately, I did not record the title of this painting. What moved here were the arms of the people featured
Resurrections, 2003, (video projection on canvas)
Resurrections, 2003, (hand coloured photograph)
Red Cross, 2013, (acrylic and wood)

The Resting Wayfarer, 1988, (acrylic on canvas)
The Resting Wayfarer, 1988, (acrylic on canvas)
The Resting Wayfarer, 1988, (acrylic on canvas)
Grey Clouds, 1988, (acrylic on wood and lead)
Genesis, 1992, (soil and glue on canvas)
Genesis, 1992, (soil and glue on canvas)
One Bucket full of Day and Another Full of Night, 1990, (acrylic on wood, bucket, rope, plexiglas)
Two Chairs, 1967, (wooden construction, fabric and plastic floor)
Tree, 2001, (acrylic on canvas, wood, stone and string)
White Tree Stump, 1991, (acrylic on canvas, wood, stone and rope)
Red Trees, 2008, (acrylic on canvas and wood)