Friday 21 May 2021

The park revisited

The bluebells are out in Jephson Gardens, and it's such a pleasure!

This tree intrigued us as most of the blossom is pink, but,  on one branch it is white.

An orange tulip display by the Wills Road entrance to Jephson Gardens

View from the bridge


Wonderful colour

The bridge that connects Jephson Gardens and the Mill Gardens

Major building work here aiming to build a wall at the end of this garden, to protect against flooding

The elephant seating which used to be in the Royal Priors before it was relocated here

It's always a pleasure looking at the fountain

The floral display in the middle of Jephson is always spectacular

Nature forever renewing itself.


  1. Feel so sorry for those people whose wall was washed away in a storm, it is such a major undertaking to replace it. I hope the insurance was well organised.

    1. Was it washed away Avril? We had not visited the park for ages as we took the opportunity of dry paths to walk in Old Milverton and Newbold Comyn, but given the constant, relentless rain we've had in the last weeks (or should I say months? It seems it's been going on for ever) we're back, doing the parks. So, I am not aware of what's been going on. I had assumed that they had decided on better protection, but now that I have seen your comment, yes, poor people indeed - it must cost a fortune. Such a major undertaking. Thanks for the information.
