Tuesday 17 September 2024

The National Gallery in Athens

We went to the National Gallery in Athens to see the Democracy exhibition, but we also took the opportunity to have another look at some of the permanent exhibits.

In the foyez, Panagiotis Tetsis' fabulous mural. I have visited his house in Hydra which you can see here . You can also see some more of his work here

Panagiotis Tetsis, (Three panels), Street Market, Umbrellas (Street Market), Painting the Joy of Life, 1979-1982

Colourful crowds move in a fluid continuum, creating a prismatic abstract geometry of awnings, trucks, shopping carts, overflowing with fruit and vegetables. In Tetsis' art realism and abstraction coexist in perfect harmony. Built in broad brushstrokes of dense paint, the composition orchestrates the most startling harmonies. Tetsis delivers a powerful message of optimism. 

Street Market

Umbrellas (Street Market)

Painting the Joy of Life

Also in the foyer:

Rena Papaspyrou, Boalbeks (Images through Matter), 1986-88, (detached wall surface, extension with polythene, canvas, colour)

This is part of a separate exhibition so there will be a post on it later.

We had a look at the view from the foyer - Lycabettus hill in the distance

Kostas Varotsos' fabulous glass sculpture standing on the roundabout

And then we moved from the old building onto the new via this glass corridor

There is a water reel in the garden, lots of sculptures, including George Zongolopoulos' Umbrellas, and the cafe

 the new building is all glass

and the easiest way to move from one floor to another, rather than using the stairs or the lift, is these ramps which serve as walkways and which are fun and afford great views

stone wall on one side

and Lycabettus on the other

the rounded glass building is the gallery's amphitheatre, which is next to the cafe.

We had a look at the gallery's European collection. It's very small as this is a museum about Greek art. I have just picked a few paintings that I liked:

Pablo Picasso, Woman's Head, 1939, (oil on canvas)

Andre Lhote, Nude, 1949, (oil on canvas)

Andre Fougeron, Mother and Child in Red Uniform, 1944, (oil on canvas)

Francis Picabia, Head, 1949, (oil on cardboard)

Ivan Aivasowsky, Men on Rocks, 1898, (oil on panel)

Jan Brueghel the Younger, The Virgin Mary with Infant and St. John in a Landscape, 1620, (oil on panel)

Cherubs galore!

Cecco del Caravaggio, Young Musician in a Workshop of Musical Instruments or Allegory of the Five Senses, 1620, (oil on canvas)

As we left the museum, we had another, closer look at Costas Varotsos' fabulous sculpture, The Runner. If you want to find out more about it go here

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