Sunday, 23 February 2025

A wander around Alimos

We tend to walk around the sea in our area, as we find that irresistible, it's just so gorgeous and calming, but Alimos is quite a big area and occasionally we will venture inland. This time we wanted to go to the Municipal Gallery to see an exhibition and combine it with the producers' market which is on once a month.

We set off and walked north, the road on our right, the dry riverbed on our left.

It's gren and lush.

Eucalyptus trees 

and bamboo predominate

Ah! a drop of water - not completely dry then

a bridge

and we continued on our way

These ruins is what remains of my German teacher's house when I was in primary school

This is a gazia (don't know the English word)

We used to collect its soft, furry berries and put them in our wardrobe as they made our clothes smell nice

This is a big drugs factory - very hush hush, I asked if I could go in one day to see an artwork by a favourite artist that is installed in the grounds and I was refused entry.

We turned left here into the pedestrianised area - pedestrianised except for the cars of residents

This is an electrical box - they have been painted with copies of works of famous artists in our area

A children's playground

and an outdoor gym - quite handy having them next to each other

There used to be lots of chickens and cockerels in this yard, but all gone now

We turned right into Theometoros Avenue

Taekwondo for kids

and then turned left into Ionias Avenue - thankfully not too much traffic as it was a Sunday

lovely flowers

fruit and veg

the local stadium

graffiti on the side and a few spectators

Piccasso and Anonymous

Finally, (the walk along Ionias Avenue always seems so long) the Municipal Gallery and the exhibition, Portraits

After the exhibition we entered Karaiskaki park, for the producers' market 

All the pine trees in our area have these yellow bands around their trunks - they prevent the major disease that plagued our trees two decades ago

Karaiskaki square and park are huge, and include an outdoor theatre

where kids play today

on the south side, one of the local schools where the kids have painted the Van Gogh inspired mural to decorate the facade

on the east side, the market which is where we went next

homemade cookies and biscuits

cured meats


herbs and teas

bread and other bakery goods


all kinds of flours



rusks (Ken's favourites)

pasta of all kinds

olive oil

and olives. Everything for the store cupboard 

It was time to head back so we walked past the park's football area

the children's playground which was very busy

the picnic area

the cafeteria which is always packed

the outdoor gym. Do you see what I mean about this park? There's something for everyone

We took a different way home

another electrical box - this time it's a Picasso

a small park

with an outdoor gym - yes, they are everywhere

another electrical box

I don't know what these flowers are called, but I really like them

a row of lemon trees in this garden

a persimon tree in this one and an oleander bush

The Mother of God church

The Chinese Art Gallery

another outdoor gym

and coming from a different direction, we had reached the dry river bed

 the bridge, and we were almost home.

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