Robert Mapplethorpe, at the Onassis Foundation was great fun and very informative as my previous knowledge of Mapplethorpe's work was photographs of Patti Smith and the male nudes he photographed in his early career, the ones with all those whips and the leather. There is so much more to his work, I learnt yesterday. I was totally entranced by his photographs of flowers - not since Georgia O'Keefe's paintings have I been so touched by pictures of flowers. I also loved the portraits and some of the sculpture-like nudes of his later period as well as the 'white gauze' series.
We were also able to watch a film on his work and life which was very good - as the credits started rolling, we realised that it was a BBC Arena film made in 1986!
We were not allowed to take photographs of the exhibition but thanks to the Mapplethorne Foundation I have been able to download some excellent ones, some of which I saw at the Onassis Foundation and some others that I would like to be able to see again. There are far too many, but I got carried away....
Poppy, 1988
Tulips, 1987
Calla Lilly, 1987
Double Jack in the Pulpit, 1988
Anenome, 1989
Calla Lilly, 1984
Tulips, 1987
Tulips, 1988
Iris, 1982
Orchids, 1989
Orchid, 1987
Calla Lilly, 1984
Mum, 1989
Orchid, 1988
Flowers, 1986
Two Tulips, 1984
Male Nudes
Ajitto, 1981
Thomas, 1986
Female Nudes
Patti Smith, 1976
Barbara Heirston, 1983
Lisa Lyon, 1982
Grace Jones, 1988
Ken Moody and Robert Sherman, 1984
Molissa Fenley, 1983
Andy Warhol, 1986
Louise Nevelson, 1986
Isabella Rosellini, 1988
Gregory Hines, 1985
David Hockney, 1976
Iggy Pop, 1981
Paloma Picasso, 1980
Lindsey Kay, 1985
Patti Smith

Feet, (Marty Gibson), 1982
NYC Contemporary Ballet, 1980
White Gauze, 1984
White Gauze, 1984
Shell and Crystal, 1986
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