Monday 18 March 2013

The Shell Mex House


Perfect art deco symmetry.

The building was designed by Ernest Joseph, a Jewish architect who was a leading designer of synagogues. It was completed in 1930-31. It is immediately recognizable from the River Thames by the clocktower positioned on the south side of the building. The building was for many years the London headquarters of Shell-Mex and BP for whom it was originally built. Today most of its floors are occuppied by companies.


  1. The views from the roof of it are amazing, as is inside the clock...

    1. I have never done this, but must remedy the situation the next time I am in London. Looking forward to it....

  2. Ah, not open to visitors. We went because the building was designed by Colin's grandfather. I assumed I had told you that story. We were given a secret tour by the caretaker.

    1. Now I am seriously jealous! I would have loved to go inside the building and to see the views too.

      I knew that Colin's grandfather had designed one of the art deco buildings in London, but could not remember which one, and wondered whether that was the one. However, you have not told me the story of having been inside, and I would love to hear it next time we meet.
