Monday 8 April 2013

The Hugh Lane


The Hugh Lane, Dublin City Gallery, Parnell Square.

A charming venue, this gallery has a large collection of Impressionist to contemporary art as well as staging temporary exhibitions.

The gallery first opened its doors in 1908 and is now believed to be among the first galleries of modern art, if not the first.  A new extension, designed by Dublin-based architects Gilroy MacMahon has opened recently.

At the entrance we came upon: Suzanne Walking in Leather Skirt, by Julian Opie, 2006.

Suzanne walks at quite a pace

and the installation consists of hundreds of tiny lights that light up orange to produce the effect of movement.

It's a majestic Art Nouveau building

with a glorious stained glass ceiling

and stylish, elegant detail like this.

Nice patio for having a drink and a snack, weather permitting

The new extension, all wood and glass

with The Age of Gronze, by  Rodin at the bottom of the stairs, and beyond, the patio.


  1. I'm looking forward to another visit this weekend!
