Sunday 31 August 2014


It's been too hot to go for walk but now temperatures have dropped and at a 'cool' 32oC we walked up to the end of the first pier in the marina and back.


The sunset was spectacular.


I envied the swimmers - there's nothing like being in the water as the sun sets. It's something we have not done this year, well, not yet, anyway

this man coming out of the water was reduced to a silhouette


so many different shades of gold


in the marina the water was on fire


On the way back we came across these two women and what a wonderful image this is - mother and daughter they told me and they were very happy to be photographed

Working boats - a very welcome sight in the middle of all these rich people's toys

a wonderful evening.


  1. Lovely photographs. Swimming then looks very tempting.

    1. We used to go swimming at dusk quite a lot two years ago. We would time it so that after our long swim we could sit in the water for the last 5 minutes before and sun set and just watch - it was fantastic.

  2. It's where we live, Linda, we're so lucky... It's changed a lot over the years, the beach was totally different and all around us were fields and sheep instead of apartment buildings, but it's still lovely.
