Friday 19 July 2024

An evening stroll

This is one of our favourite short walks but I have to admit that we have not done it for the last 10 days as this continuous, unbearable heatwave will not let up. We are told that we have at least another week of soaring temperatures of 39o to 42oC and I have to admit that we have reached our limit. We feel we cannot do it anymore. So, only walks that are necessary at the moment even though even sitting on the terrace, third floor, is a challenge.

Anyway, this is a walk close to our home. We walk down to the pay beach then continue along the coast for another five minutes and we reach the free beach. It's a lovely bay and people can come here and use it for free. There is a bar and umbreallas with loungers, but you have to pay for those.

It's always busy, even at 8 o'clock in the evening which is when this was taken. It's also where the winter swimmers come for their swim.

Opposite the beach is Pennarubia

a different view of the cafe/bar, round the corner.

In front of the cafe/bar, a bus and three cars are parked, blocking the sea view of those who sit there. The banner says: 'Out with those abusing our beaches - we will continue the struggle until the end! Alimos Council'. This is from our wonderful mayor who has completely transformed our municipality, and who is now taking on big business. As always, we are completely behind him. In this post  
written six years ago, I outlined some of the things he had done for us. That was just the beginning and since then, his achievements have increased 10-fold and our area is truly transformed.

That particular afternoon we walked along the promenade as the sun was about to set

past the community cinema - another of our mayor's achievements. It's very popular, always packed, showing a mixture of art house, popular, and children's films. The entry fee is 1/3 of what commercial cinemas charge, and it's even cheaper for residents.

Past this sculpture that was erected last year

looking back

the sky was getting more interesting, and the sea slightly rougher

We walked through the small park

on the edge of which is Maridaki, where we had come for our evening meal. It was still very early - Greek people would not dream of going out to eat before 9:30 - and we were the first customers

this was our view

and soon the lights were switching on. After a lovely meal we started heading back

the sculpture looked good lit up

Pennarubia was in full swing as we passed

 and that included the other side of it.

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A few days later we went to see Ken Loach's The Old Oak at the community cinema. The film was wonderful and we also enjoyed the cinema - the chairs are set on grass, there's lots of space between the seating, lots of legroom, and the sea breeze was wonderful. We will go again.

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