Wednesday 17 July 2024

Rhoda Bertz

End of June is Warwickshire Open Studios but we did not manage to go around looking at local artists' work this year. We had just come back from Whitby, and were getting ready to go to Greece. The one weekend we had free we spent seeing friends and going to Potfest at Compton Verney which we never miss.

The only artist exhibiting at Open Studios that we managed to see the work of was Rhoda Bertz as I love her work and would not miss seeing her new paintings. Bertz lives in Germany but her daughter lives in the UK and it's in her house that the exhibition takes place.

Bertz is an artist who has been working in oils for over 30 years. She includes found materials into her work. The paintings are often thickly layered and distressed. 

This is the artist's statement from her website: 'I divide my time between Germany, the UK and France, my travel inspires a lot of my work. I draw constantly, my drawing informs and feeds all of my work, however abstract or expressionist it might be. My work is mostly in oil and the drawing underpins it. I like to work on big formats and small formats as they express different parts of my creativity. In the 2020 lockdown I have returned to making collages, where I rip my paintings up and assemble them afresh'.

Landscape 1, (oil on canvas)

Landscape 2, (oil on canvas)

Lumen 1, (oil on paper)

Lumen 2, (oil on paper)

Lumen 3, (oil on paper)

Lumen 4, (oil on paper)

Rockface 1, (oil on paper)

Bamboo, (oil on canvas)

Mirage 2, (oil on canvas)

Mirage 3, (oil on canvas)

Sunrise 1, (oil on paper)

Sunrise 2, (oil on paper)

Sunrise 3, (oil on paper)

Tulip, (oil on paper)


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