Monday 15 July 2024

Swimming again

We have been back in Greece for two weeks now, and it's been such a pleasure going swimming again.

This is our beach, 'The Beach of the Sun' . It's a pay beach but it's free for us because we are residents. There are lots of facilities, most of which we don't use: all we care about is swimming (and this beach is the closest one to our apartment), some shade and somewhere to sit.

Looking down from the entrance - it's lush

down the 59 steps (yes, I've counted) and we reach the bourgainvillea passage

and we're in.

When it gets busy, midday or weekends, and there is no more space on the beach this lawn is filled with people lying or sitting on their towels or on sun-loungers

one of the three bars

and we're here.

It's very early, 8:30 in the morning. I moan every morning about having to come this early, but I want to sit in the front row so as to have an unimpeded view of the sea, and the front row seats are the first to go, so there is no choice, but to come as early as we can manage.

As you can see, the front row is taken - we usually mange to get the last umbrella.

One of the three rescue boats on the left.

Just below the horizon, in the distance you can see a white line - this is the net that surrounds our bay and it's there to stop boats coming in. We will swim up to the net and back, sit and look at the sea, go in again and swim some more, etc. etc.

It's sublime. We do this four times a week. On Tuesdays we go to the market, and weekends are no-go as it's so busy, even though some Sundays we will come, just swim and go. Love it.


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