Thursday 29 August 2024

The Mad and the Lonely - George Condo

George Condo, the Mad and the Lonely, at the Slaughterhouse Art Gallery in Hydra.

There were artworks in the cages where the animals were initially put as well as in the main space - to find out more about the gallery go here

I will have to be honest and say that I do not have much of an opinion on what we saw. I did not like them and they did nothing for me emotionally. I don't particularly like Francis Bacon's art, but I understand it, and I understand why he is considered an important artist. These left me cold, both intellectually and emotionally. 

I have done a post on them primarily because, following on from my previous post I wanted to show the inside of the Slaughterhouse. Also, other people might like them.

So, I am copying some of the information we were given on the exhibition. 'The works in the exhibition offer depictions of the disparate souls in life, who have been rejected by society and who linger between states of madness and loneliness. Victims of their own internal circumstances, these characters are rendered in the abstracted, often eerie but, at the same time, humanoid-like manner that is distinctive of George Condo's idiosyncratic style... By reflecting upon the volatility of human emotions and the precarious nature of our mental states, Condo offers a psychological investigation of human nature and an empathetic critique of modern life'.

Once I went into the main space, I immediately went out onto the balcony

the open sea

parts of the structure

parts of Jeff Koons' sculpture

and then back in to the art

To see Kiki Smith at the Slaughterhouse go here

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