Monday 24 March 2014

Art and wine

Our first night in the Centre (of Athens) was last Thursday when we joined two members of the of Arts and the City team and went to two exhibition openings.

First stop, Zoumboulaki Gallery in Kolonaki Square

to see the exhibition  'Image and Illusion' by Giorgos Avgeros. Avgeros' black and white landscapes look three-dimensional. He achieves this by using charcoal on successive film transparencies.

Hidden Creek V, (charcoal on transparent film)


Forrest, (charcoal on transparent film)


Olive Tree (charcoal on transparent film)

We then moved on to Plateia Karitsi, the trendiest part of the city at the moment, full of interesting bars

and I just love looking in

each one decorated with taste and style


Our destination was the Black Duck

beautiful surroundings

with lots of interesting pictures on the walls.

We ordered our drinks and food
and then walked down the stairs


to the basement to see the second exhibition of the evening

of paintings by Christos Palamides.


The food was delicious

and we got quite merry.

On our way out we came across some interesting street art


more bars

and walked past Parnassos, where, along with other students, I gave two piano recitals when I was playing the instrument

The building was used as a military court when Greece was occupied by the Germans during WWII and this is a rough translation of the plaque: 'This temple of the Muses of the Arts was turned into a military court by the Nazi invaders. In memory of all those Greeks who were court martialled'.


  1. The Avgeros work looked very interesting. I immediately wondered how long the charcoal would sit on the film. A dreadful reaction to think of the technique before considering the content!

    It looks as if you had a lovely evening. I always love eating/drinking in surroundings with interesting art. And the piece of street art was definitely a bonus! Thank you for sharing.

  2. We had a lovely evening Olga - it's a great area and interesting people go to the bars: artists, intellectuals, 'alternative' type of people - a great atmosphere.

    As for Avgeros' work, I too now wonder how long the charcoal would sit on the film. I have to admit I had not thought about the technical side of the work, but now that you mentioned it....
